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Data: Slots

Slots configurations are stored in .conf files inside data directory. All slots should be declared inside slots block. Each slot has an ID used as a key on slot declaration.

slots {
[slot-id] {
// Slot declaration goes here
// ...

slot-id should be a unique string. It is recommended to use kebab-case for all config keys for consistency.


All slot properties are optional and takes default value if value is not specified.


Type: String supporting colors and placeholders
Default value: "" (empty string)

The slot display name.

Will be shown only if texture specified.

display-name: "&6Totem"


Type: list of Strings supporting colors and placeholders
Default value: [] (empty list)

The slot description. Each line will be displayed on the new line.

Will be shown only if texture specified.

description: [
"&aHere you can place the &6Totem of Undying",
"&e\"- It saved my life many times.\" (c) Dad"


Type: Item, nullable
Default value: null

The texture will be shown to the player when the slot is empty. Uses display-name and description.

If texture is null, none texture will be shown when the slot is empty.

texture: minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane


Type: one of: generic, equipment, gui
Default value: generic

The slot type. Defines slot destination and capabilities. Some slot properties applicable only to particular slot types.

  • generic is a basic slot used just to store items. Default max-stack-size is 64.
  • equipment is a slot that can store equipment. Items stored in equipment slots should be counted for player's attributes. Default max-stack-size is 1.
  • gui is a GUI slot that can not store items.
type: generic


Type: list of Slot action bindings
Default value: [] (empty list)

Bindings for player's interactions with the slot.

actions: [
{on: [click], do: ["say It will help you when you are unlucky"]}


Type: list of Item wildcards
Default value: ["*"] (all items allowed)
Slot types: generic, equipment

Defines items allowed to be placed to the slot.

allowed-items: [totem_of_undying]


Type: list of Item wildcards
Default value: [] (empty list, none items denied)
Slot types: generic, equipment

Defines items denied to be placed to the slot.

denied-items: [custom:totem_of_undying]


Type: integer Number from range 1..64
Default value: depends on slot type
Slot types: generic, equipment

The maximal item stack size to be placed to the slot.

max-stack-size: 1

Slot action binding

Binds player's interactions listed in on to commands listed in do.


Type: set of values (click, left_click, shift_left_click, right_click, shift_right_click)

The list of player's interactions that should be initiate actions listed in do. This list should not be empty.

Actions matching rules:

  • click matches to any click
  • left_click and right_click matches to both clicks with and without Shift
on: [left_click, shift_right_click]


Type: list of Strings supporting placeholders

The list of commands will be executed when action described in on was performed. Command should not start with slash. All commands will be executed from the player who interacted with the slot.

do: ["gamemode creative"]

Item wildcards

Item wildcards allows you to easier configure allowed and denied items. Instead of writing each allowed item, you can use wildcard matching to all of them:

# Without wildcard
allowed-items: [

# With wildcard
allowed-items: ["*_sword"]


  • * matches zero or more characters
  • ? matches exactly one character