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Getting Started


Minimal required Spigot version is 1.18 and Java 17 is required as well. ECInventory uses Library Loader feature added in Spigot 1.16.5.

1. Install dependencies

ECInventory can not run without the following plugins:

  • Mimic (v0.8.0+) - required to integrate with other plugins.
  • CommandAPI (v9.1.0+) - required for commands. Used to implement commands with arguments suggestions.
    Check which version you need to install for your Spigot version on Command API GitHub page.

Optionally you can install these plugins to extend ECInventory functionality:

  • PlaceholderAPI - allows using placeholders in inventories name as well as in slots name, description, and commands.

2. Install ECInventory

Download the latest release from GitHub Releases page. Put the jar file into plugins/ directory.

Run the server to check if the plugin loaded correctly. When server is up, type the command /plugins, ECInventory should be green in this list.

3. Download sample data

Download the sample attached to the latest release from GitHub Releases page. Unzip it into plugins/ECInventory/data/ directory.

Reload ECInventory using command /inv reload to apply changed data configs.


Sample data contain three files:

  • demo.conf - configuration of demo inventory and slots for it
  • equipments.conf - configuration of equipments inventory and slots for it
  • common.conf - slots used in both demo and equipments inventories

Inventory equipments do not work properly ("like in RPGInventory") because features "configure vanilla inventories" and "slots synchronization" are not implemented yet. These features are planned in v0.2. You can track progress on the GitHub.

4. Enjoy!

ECInventory is ready to use! Try to open inventory using command /inv open demo.

Next steps:


Please, write any questions and report problems to Discord. Let us make this plugin great together!