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Configuration Basics

ECInventory uses HOCON format for configuration files. Configuration files use the file extension .conf.

HOCON basics

HOCON (Human-Optimized Config Object Notation) is a human-friendly configuration format, and a superset of JSON.


This is a brief HOCON format description targeted on users who already familiar with YAML. If you want to know all about HOCON, read the specification.

Properties in HOCON has key and value separated by key-value separator:

  • a key is a string describing value destination
  • a value may be string, number, object, boolean, enumeration type or null
  • a key-value separator separates key and value, should be either : (YAML-like), or = (JSON-like)

If line in config starts with // or #, it is considered a comment.

# This is a comment. It can contain additional information about property.
# Here "display-name" is a key, ":" is a key-value separator and "My beautiful inventory" is a value.
display-name: "My beautiful inventory"

HOCON config may be very similar to YAML, but it has significant differences in objects and lists declaration.


YAML uses indentation for object declaration, but HOCON uses curly braces {}:

display-name: "Custom slot"
type: storage

my-slot {
display-name: "Custom slot"
type: storage
# HOCON also supports one-line object declaration
my-slot { display-name: "Custom slot", type: storage }

Arrays and lists

YAML has two notations to declare list elements — using square braces [] or using hyphen - at the line start. HOCON supports only "square braces" style:

- "First line"
- "Second line"
# One-line list declaration also supported
description: ["First line", "Second line"]

description: [
"First line",
"Second line"
# One-line list declaration looks exactly like in YAML
description: ["First line", "Second line"]

List of objects

YAML allows declaring list of objects using hyphen list notation, but in HOCON we should use curly braces to declare objects in list:

- on: [right_click]
do: ["weather clear"]

actions: [
on: [right_click]
do: ["weather clear"]
# Or more compact variant using one-line object declaration
actions: [
{on: [right_click], do: ["weather_clear"]}


Here are listed common types used in configs. Other types are described in the place of usage.


Strings may be quoted and unquoted. It is recommended to always use quoted strings because unquoted strings has limited set of characters they can contain.

quoted-string: "This is a string value"
unquoted-string: This also allowed but not recommended


Numbers may be either integer, or with floating point. Allowed range usually specified in field specification.

integer-value: 42
float-value: 0.5


Primitive logical type that can have only the values true (aliases: yes, on) or false (aliases: no, off).

boolean-field: true


Item ID that can be used to obtain item via Mimic. You can add namespace if you want to get item from the defined source.

minecraft-item: minecraft:iron_sword
custom-item: mmoitems:iron_sword
item-without-namespace: iron_sword

You can check list of available items using command:

/mimic item give <player> <item_id>

Advanced HOCON

HOCON provides features good to know because it may be useful when you configure the plugin.

Path as key

You can use paths as a keys for values to configure nested objects:

my-slot {
display-name: "Change my type"

# HOCON will go to the "my-slot" and change its property called "type"
my-slot.type: generic

# This is also a valid notation to declare "other-slot" object
other-slot.display-name: "Slot created by path keys"
other-slot.type: generic


HOCON allows referring from value to other paths in configuration. Referent path should be in format ${}.

For example, you can create a variable and reuse it in several values:

server-name: "Best Server"

server-info-slot {
display-name: ${server-name} info
description: ["Server name is "${server-name}]
type: gui

Substitutions are not allowed inside quotes ". So you should move substitution out of the quotes the following way:

# Bad
"Server name is ${server-name}!"

# Good
"Server name is "${server-name}"!"

Concatenation and inheritance

HOCON allows concatenating values including objects and lists. It is a powerful feature in combination with substitutions.

Lists concatenation can be used to share common configurations:

offhand {
allowed-items: [dagger, shield]

# We can hold in main hand everything we can hold in offhand and sword or axe additionally
mainhand {
allowed-items: ${offhand.allowed-items} [sword, axe]

Objects concatenation can be used for inheritance:

ammo-base {
type: generic
max-stack-size: 16

# Arrows slot will inherit all fields from "ammo-base"
arrows: ${ammo-base} {
allowed-items: [arrow]

Remember you should use absolute path to objects for substitution. In real configs paths will look like slots.ammo-base instead of ammo-base.